HiPath 5000 Startup and Administration
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Performing Licensing
Performing Licensing
Version 5.0 and later features a new, centralized licensing procedure, called HiPath License
Management. The procedure is used in all HiPath products, for example communication sys-
tems, workpoint clients, and applications.
A grace period of 30 days begins when HiPath 5000 is started up. Licensing must be performed
for all features, interfaces, and products subject to mandatory licensing within this grace period.
HiPath 3000 Manager E comes with a customer-specific file which is used by the Customer Li-
cense Agent CLA to generate a GPCF (Grace Period Configuration File) file. This file ensures
that the maximum expansion of all features subject to mandatory licensing is possible within
the 30-day grace period. The system or systems are not licensed.
The system falls into licensing default if licensing is not performed within the 30-day grace pe-
riod. This means that features which subject to mandatory licensing will suffer from reduced
Please refer to
for information on how to proceed.