P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Expanding and Upgrading HiPath 3000
Expanding HiPath 3000
ECR Control, Display, and Connecting Elements
Front panel (Figure 9-2)
Top switch for disconnecting battery power
Bottom switch for disconnecting line power
6.3 A/T battery fuse (warning: do not confuse with EPSU2-R fuse)
Line voltage connections [1]
Top: Line output to UPSC-DR connection jack for HiPath 3500 and HiPath 3300
Below: Line input
Batteries/EPSU2-R [2] output voltage to UPSC-DR for HiPath 3500 and HiPath 3300
Batteries output voltage [2] to UPSM for HiPath 3700
Clip [3]
Attach the braided screen of the connection cable (to the jack [2]) here.
Figure 9-2
ECR Front Panel (155 x 440 x 380 mm)
Necessary height units for 19-inch cabinet assembly: 4
(one height unit corresponds to approx. 1.7’’=43 mm)