P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Guided Maintenance
Analysis Using HiPath Software Manager and HiPath Inventory Manager
Trace files
The installation directory of the Common Web Service (default =
C:\Program Files\sie-
) contains, among other things, the
directory, in which the
trace files for the Web applications HiPath Software Manager and HiPath Inventory Manager
are stored.
This directory name is saved in a registry key during installation. If this key cannot be accessed,
the trace files are stored in the temporary system directory (as the Common Web Service is
started as a system service). Under MS Windows 2000, this directory normally has the name
, while under MS Windows 2003 it is called
Each time a Web application is started by the Common Web Service (TomCat Web server), a
separate subdirectory is created. This subdirectory contains the trace files in XML format. The
subdirectory name follows the convention
In order to enable service support to perform diagnosis, the complete
directory must be
made available. Adaptations for more detailed traces can be made in consultation with service
support using the CFG files in the
directory. These adaptations refer to the degree of
detail (level) of the trace file and application options for the components of all Web applications.
This documentation does not cover interpretation of the analysis data. Trace files,
log files, etc. are used for problem analysis and are interpreted by Service Support
during servicing.