Boards for HiPath 3000
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Central Boards
The CR8N (
eceiver) board is an optional plug-in module and can be used in any slot in
all HiPath 3750 and HiPath 3700 cabinets.
The CR8N board is required when:
A high outgoing traffic load and a large number of analog subscribers exist.
A Hicom Phonemail system with more than six ports and the automatic attendant function
is connected.
An external automatic attendant is being used as a virtual attendant and the system has a
large number of analog trunks.
In these cases, the six code receivers (for tone dialing on analog telephones) that are already
present in the system on the
are not sufficient. Adding a CR8N board provides another
eight code receivers and eight code transmitters. Up to two CR8Ns can be installed in each sys-
tem. A CR8N board and a CR8 board (S30810-Q2513-X) cannot be used in the same system
You can also install or remove a CR8N board during operation. If you remove it while the system
is in the operating state, you risk interrupting DTMF signal processing. It is always recommend-
ed that you remove or install the board only while the system is switched off.
Note the following recommendations for using the CR8N board if a Hicom Phonemail system,
voice mail system, or automatic attendant is connected:
Up to 8 ports: No CR8N board required.
9 to 24 ports: One CR8N board required.
Over 24 ports: Two CR8N boards required.
These are general recommendations only. In some cases, a CR8N board may already be re-
quired for six ports under extreme load conditions.