P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0
Provisional Service Manual
Part numbers
backplanes (HiPath 3700) 4-142, 4-143
backplanes (HiPath 3750) 4-117, 4-118
cabinets (HiPath 3700) 4-142, 4-143
cabinets (HiPath 3750) 4-117, 4-118
CABLUs, open-end cables (HiPath 3700)
CABLUs, open-end cables (HiPath 3750)
CABLUs, open-end cables (HiPath 3800)
4-58, 4-65
connection cable (HiPath 3750) 4-117
connection cables (HiPath 3700) 4-142,
connection cables (HiPath 3750) 4-118
Password 12-79
Password type, defining 5-7, 5-15, 5-23
PBXXX 3-136
administration 3-136
connection cable 3-139, 3-142
front panel 3-137
setup using HiPath 3000 Manager E
seven segment display 3-138
PCM segments for HiPath 3750/HiPath 3700
PCM segments for HiPath 3800 4-46
PDM1 3-101, 3-107
PDMX 3-245
PDS file 6-51, 12-4
Peripheral boards 3-3
PFT1/PFT4 (not for U.S.) 3-366
assignment 3-368
installation location 3-367
Pin assignments of the V.24 sockets 3-385
Port numbers C-1
Power failure transfer 3-369
Power plug (for U.S. only) HiPath 3800 4-24
Power requirement (boards, workpoint cli-
Power supply
external applications 3-369, 3-371,
HiPath 3350 3-67
HiPath 3500/HiPath 3300 3-77
HiPath 3550/HiPath 3350 3-72
HiPath 3750/HiPath 3700 3-83
HiPath 3800 3-56
NT (HiPath 3550/HiPath 3500) 3-333
NT (HiPath 3750/HiPath 3700) 3-324
Privacy and Data Security 1-14
Project planning tool 2-23, 10-34
Protocols 13-2
PSUP 3-67
CorNet N/CorNet NQ 2-47
telephone interfaces 2-47
trunk connection 2-47
cable and connector assignment 3-372
electr. characteristics of relays 3-370
installation location 3-370
power failure transfer 3-369
relay contacts 3-371
special connections 3-369
cable and connector assignment 3-375
electrical characteristics of relays 3-373
slot 3-375
special connections via relay 3-373
trunk failure transfer 3-373
Reinitialization 5-5, 5-14, 5-22
Reload 5-6, 5-15, 5-23
Remote access immediately after installation
Remote administration 12-74
Remote connection, controlled release 12-77