System Data
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Dynamic Configuration Rules
Sample Calculation
Calculation Example 1: 32 IP Networking Connections to HiPath 3750,
HiPath 3700
HiPath 3750 or HiPath 3700 are connected to another system via an IP networking path with
32 B channels. Codec G.711 is used with a sample rate of 20 msec without encryption for the
IP networking path. The customer only has TDM workpoint clients.
An HXGM3 board with two PDM1 modules is necessary for this configuration:
2 DSPs per HXGM3 and 2 x 1 DSP per PDM1 = 4 DSPs, together supporting up to 32 chan-
Correspondingly, the total performance available is 980 points.
Performance requirement
32 gateway channels via LAN interface 1 should be included in the calculation. The setting “En-
hanced B Channels” must be activated for this via the WBM. The Virtual Private Network VPN
and Firewall functions are automatically deactivated when this setting is activated.
The signaling load has to be taken into account when calculating performance.
The specified performance requirement of 474.4 points is below the 980 total performance
points that the HXGM3 board can provide. The configuration is feasible.
Note: The configuration is not feasible for HXGS3 and HXGR3 because the static configuration
rules only permit up to 16 channels per board.
Resource require-
(credit point)
Available extension
2 x PDM1
2 x 10 = 20.0
Signaling without
H.235 security (inde-
pendent of the WBM
setting "Enhanced B
32 x IP networking channel (25 calls per hour)
32 x 3.2 = 102.4
Payload (additional
feature: "Enhanced B
Channels" enabled
over WBM.)
Voice gateway channel over LAN interface 1:
32 x G.711 (received: 20 msec/sent:
20 msec)
32 x 11.0 = 352.0
Total =