You can check the access history of card holders and the alarm history with visual aids such as pictures, graphic map and
From the upper menu bar, select [Monitoring] > [Integrated Monitoring].
Screen Confi guration
1) Employee Information: Displays the information of registered employees only.
2) Graphic Map: Displays the graphic map of the building or fl oor where the event occurred.
- If a graphic map is displayed, the icon for the device where the event occurred will be highlighted for several
- No display of a graphic map denotes no event has ever occurred.
- Right-click the camera icon in the graphic map and press [Live]. You can view the live screen of the camera.
3) Event Display
- Normal Event: Displays events indicating the device or access control is operating normally.
- Alarm Event: Displays events that occurred from abnormal conditions of the device or access control.
- Auditing Log: Displays the history of data manipulation including adding, saving, deleting or transferring data
to and from an external device.
- If the camera device is already mapped, simply double-click the event to display the event video.
- If [Tools] > [Options] > [Live Display by Event type] is set, the live display window appears and shows the
scene from the camera mapped to the corresponding device on an event, from the 10 seconds before the
applicable event.
4) Camera list : Displays the connection status between DVR and mapped cameras.
- If a DVR is connected, it will be displayed blue in the E area.
- If a DVR is not connected, it will be displayed red in the E area.
- Right-click a camera in the list and select Live in the context menu. You can view the live video incoming
from the camera.
CAM 01
CAM 01
2010-06-17 14:57:37
2010-06-17 14:57:37
CAM 01
CAM 01
2010-06-17 14:57:37
2010-06-17 14:57:37