English Englis_
Click [Closing] to close the monthly data.
- Closing Rule: Displays a list of monthly closing rules that are associated with the specifi ed closing rule.
- Closing: Closes the data for a specifi c period. If the selected period has any work data recorded, this will close the
data status and display the results.
- Cancel: Cancels your settings for the monthly closing. If you confi gured the monthly closing settings in a wrong
way, click Cancel to revert your settings and move to the Revise Daily Closing page and make necessary
- Month: Specify a month to close the rules.
- Period: If you set the payment basis date in the closing rule page, the monthly closing period will be specifi ed
automatically based on the basis date.
- Search: If the specifi c date to search has any closing data recorded, you can use the Search button to search for
data by providing applicable criteria.
- Export: Exports the data list in the table in the format of .txt or .xls.
You can directly move to the revision screen to add or edit attendance record by selecting the [Daily Closing Revision – Add]
or [Daily Closing Revision – Edit] from the context menu that can be opened if you right click on a displayed list item of
closed data.
If you open the context menu by right clicking on the upper grid that shows basic employee information, only the
[Daily Closing Revision – Add] menu item will be enabled. To move selected rows to the daily closing revision screen
and insert to the attendance record, run the add menu.