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Provide the [Backup File Name] for the fi les to backup in [Manual Database Backup]. (Used to backup fi les
Click [Backup]. (Used to backup fi les manually.)
Specify the backup frequency in [Scheduled Database Backup]. (Used to backup fi les automatically.)
Provide the [Schedule Operation Time] in [Scheduled Database Backup]. (Used to backup fi les automatically.)
Click [Generation] in [Scheduled Database Backup]. (Used to backup fi les automatically.)
Select a fi le to restore in [Select Backup File] from [Database Restore]. (Used to restore a database.)
Click [Restore] in [Database Restore] to start restoring the selected database. (Used to restore a database.)
The access control data will be saved in the SQL Server 2005 database. To prevent data loss, use this tool or the
tool provided by SQL Server 2005 to create a backup fi le for the database. Backup of a database includes all records
of existing data in the database. You can use this page to backup and restore data, or specify the auto backup
schedule. In this page, you can also delete unnecessary information in the database. However, the auto backup
schedule is managed by the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 agent so the agent must stay active for this purpose.
Provides a description of the Database Backup & Restore screen.
- Database: Displays the names of connected databases.
- Server: Displays the names of connected database servers.
- Login ID: Displays the login ID used to connect to the database.
- The [Manual Database Backup] fi le path indicates the installation path of a database in other than the local PC, and
the backup fi le name is the name of the fi le to backup, which you can change manually.
- The [Scheduled Database Backup] frequency is one of Every Day, Every Week or Every Month, which you can
schedule to run the backup at a specifi c interval. You can make different settings according to the backup
frequency, create up to 3 schedules at once, and specify the schedule operation time differently according to the
- The [Select Backup File] bar in [Database Restore] specifi es the path and name of the backup fi le to be used in
restoring the database in the server installed in other than the local PC.
Provides a description for Manual Backup/Schedule Backup/Restore.
- Manual Database Backup: Specify the backup path and provide the fi le name; then click [Backup] to create a
backup fi le in the specifi ed location.
- Scheduled Database Backup (Every Day): When the backup is completed with the provided information, a backup
fi le named “Access_Daily_Full_yyyymmdd.bak” will be created in that
- Scheduled Database Backup (Every Week): When the backup is completed with the provided information, a backup
fi le named “Access_Week_Full_yyyymmdd.bak” will be created in that
- Scheduled Database Backup (Every Monthly): When the backup is completed with the provided information, a
backup fi le named “Access_Month_Full_yyyymmdd.bak” will be
created in that location.
- Restore: The [Restore] button will be not be active until you specify a backup fi le for restoring the database. Specify
the backup path and click [OK] to activate the [Restore] button. Click [Restore] to perform restoring the
database in the specifi ed backup name.