Digital Standard W-CDMA (NTT DoCoMo/ARIB 0.0)
Digital Standard W-CDMA (NTT DoCoMo/ARIB 0.0)
With the options Modulation Coder (SMIQB20), Data Generator (SMIQB11) and option Digital Standard
W-CDMA (SMIQB43) provided, W-CDMA signals can be generated according to the Japanese
experimental system NTT DoCoMo or the ARIB 0.0 standard
SMIQ can simulate both the transmit signal of a base station (Downlink), and the transmit signal of a
mobile station (Uplink) with up to 15 code channels.
Different physical channel types such as Perch, Common Control or Dedicated Physical Channel can be
selected. For this purpose, SMIQ generates modulation data with the frame structure specified in the
standard (framed data). Data fields with pilot symbols, TPC symbols (Traffic Power Control) or LMS
symbols (Long Code Mask) are automatically generated. Freely programmable data lists or pseudo-
random bit sequences (PRBS) can be used for the modulation symbols in the DATA fields. These
modulation data are not subjected to any channel coding (convolution coding, interleaving). The user
can, however, store channel-coded modulation data in a data list to generate a logic channel, eg a
Dedicated Traffic Channel.
The following figure shows the schematic of forward link signal generation.
Fig. 2-88
Downlink DPCH signal generation for a code channel
The Perch Channel, DPCH (Dedicated Physical Channel) and CCPCH (Common Control Physical
Channel) are available as channel types in the downlink. The data rate for modulation data (framed
data) of the DPCH can be selected (32, 64, to 1024 ksymbol/s). The type of modulation is QPSK, but O-
QPSK can also be set. A root cosine filter with roll-off factor 0.22 is preset for baseband filtering. Other
filters can also be set (MODULATION FILTER). The chip rate is preset to 4.096 Mcps but can be
modified within wide limits.
Two modes (LINK DIRECTION/MULTIPLEX) are available to generate an uplink signal. A mobile station
transmitter of the Japanese W-CDMA experimental system is simulated in the UP mode. The frame
structure of data corresponds to that of the downlink. DPCH and CCPCH are available as channel
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), Specifications of Air-Interface for a 3 G Mobile System