Digital Standard W-CDMA (NTT DoCoMo/ARIB 0.0)
A mobile station transmitter in line with the ARIB standard is simulated in the UP_IQ_MULT mode.
Separate channel types and data sources for I and Q are available in the multiplex mode.
Fig. 2-89
Uplink signal generation with IQ multiplex and several code channels
According to ARIB, DPDCH (Dedicated Physical Data Channel) and DCPCH (Dedicated Control
Physical Channel) are available as channel types in the uplink. The data rate for modulation data
(framed data) of the DPDCH can be selected (16, 32, 64, to 1024 ksymbol/s).
The modulation data are not calculated in real time in SMIQ. On the user request, a W-CDMA chip
sequence is calculated (STATE = ON) and then stored in the data memory of the data generator (option
SMIQ B11). The sequence length is settable (SEQUENCE LENGTH [FRAMES]), the maximum possible
length depends on the memory capacity of the data generator.
A special multicode mode is available (MULTICODE) for LINK DIRECTION/MULTIPLEX DOWN and
UP modes. The data fields Pilot and TPC have the same settings and are spread with the same
spreading codes of the MASTER CHANNEL.