FASTCAM-APX RS Hardware Manual
3.7. Adjusting White Balance (Color
Model only)
A digital camera must have a proper white balance that renders a white target as a
“pure white” image in both live and playback modes. In order to make accurate color
reproduction with a color model of the APX RS, color balance must be correctly set
under the color temperature of lighting being used. The APX RS has re-adjustable R, G
and B color channels so that proper white balance can be attained by tweaking the
balance of them depending on the characteristics of the lighting.
Two different methods - Fixed (preset) and Manual (one touch balancing) - of color
balance readjustment are offered with the APX RS.
This section describes these readjustment methods.
3.7.1. Fixed (Preset) White Balance
The APX RS has two sets of preset (fixed) white balance values to cover typical color
temperatures of 5100K and 3100K, each representing the following light:
Bright daylight, outdoor
3100K: Halogen
1. Press the MENU key to display the menu and select the COLOR TEMP command.
2. Then select 5100K, or 3100K, depending on the current lighting setup.
3. Make sure that white balance has been updated.