FASTCAM-APX RS Hardware Manual
3.4.3. AUTO EXPOSURE Operation
The FASTCAM-APX RS has a newly added function that automatically controls the
shuttering of exposure to the image sensor against the incoming light amount so that
the level of output image signal is kept to a desired value. This feature is useful for
framing applications of subjects where the illumination of the subject enevitably varies
even after the camera has been set up and no further camera setup adjustment is
To take advantage of this function, the pre-adjustment should be made on the following
four items each of which has the following meaning:
Sets the range of image area. It works in a way that the average of image output level
of a selected area is adjusted to a desired level.
Sets the image output to your desired level. The level is set in 8-bit grayscale (0 to 255).
Determines a range to a desired image output level. The width of range is set in 8-bit
grayscale (0 to 255). It varies the shutter setting so that the average of the range
selected by AREA will be within the range of defined by [TARGET_VALUE
If the width of RANGE is set too narrow, it will be hard to set up the shutter to an
appropriate value, which results in flickering of image.
Sets the longest exposure time. This function prevents image blurring caused by too
long an exposure time. This function allows no exposure time to be set longer than the
shutter value that is set here.