Dynamic Routing
Using Routing Information Protocol (RIP), dynamic routing allows the
iConnectAccess624W to adjust to physical changes in the network automatically. It
determines the route through which the packets travel based on the fewest number of
hops between the source and destination. RIP protocol regularly broadcasts routing
information to other Routers on the network.
To Enable Dynamic Routing:
From any screen in the web interface,
step 1
Click the Advanced tab, then Dynamic Routing. The following screen
step 2
Check the Enable RIP checkbox.
step 3
From the Protocol drop-down list, select the RIP version as appropriate.
step 4
Check / Uncheck the Enable Password checkbox as appropriate.
step 5
If you have checked the Enable Password checkbox, enter a password in
the Password field.
step 6
Select the direction from the Direction drop-down list.
step 7
Click Apply, then Tools. The following appears:
step 8
System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears: