step 8
System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
The following table lists the SNMP Management screen fields and their definitions:
Field Description
Enable SNMP Agent
Check this checkbox to enable SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) on this device. Enter the SNMP settings in
the Community area of the screen.
Enable SNMP Traps
Check this checkbox to enable the SNMP trap service. Enter the
SNMP trap settings in the Traps area of the screen.
SNMP Management (Name,
Location, Contact)
Enter details specific for this device in the Name, Location and
Contact fields.
Community Name and
Access Rights
The SNMP Read-Only Community string is like a User-ID or
Password that allows access to the router’s statistics.
SNMP Read-Write Community String allows a remote device to
read information from a device, and to modify settings on that
device. If using SNMP Read-Write do not leave this password at
the default.
Traps Destination IP
Enter the Destination Address of the host to receive the SNMP
Trap Community
Enter the Community name in this field. This should match the
community name on the server receiving the traps.
Trap Version
Select the version of SNMP to use from this drop-down list.