Nortel Proprietary
1. Statistics for the last 24 hour period
2. Overall statistics since the Nortel Remote Agent Observe card was installed.
The card has sufficient disk-space for the current days report and the previous 2
days reports to be stored on the card. Only these files may be viewed from the BUI
as described above. However, to store observer reports older than 2 days old, a
reporting FTP server must be configured to allow external storage to older report
files. If the administrator navigates the browser tree on the left side of the Browser
User Interface to “Observer Reporting > Older Reports”, they are presented with
the page shown in Figure 32 below. The page informs the administrator of the need
for a reporting FTP server.
Figure 32
Older Reports Message Display
Once the FTP server is configured, the previous day’s observer report file is
transferred every 24 hours at midnight from the card to the FTP server.
: These externally stored report files are not viewable from the BUI, but are in
text format and may be viewed from standard windows text viewers.
The observer report files have also been formatted specifically so that they are
readily exportable to other applications (e.g. spreadsheets), so that the
administrator can customise their own reports or group the data according to their
own particular needs.
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide