Nortel Proprietary
Figure 26 Observation Parameters Modify/Removal Page
Population of All Available Parameters selection-box (SCCS server release 4.2
or later)
The contents of this selection box are populated by parsing the RSM stream from
the SCCS server. This will reflect all the data that has appeared in the RSM stream
for the last month. Data that has not appeared in the RSM stream in the last month
is deleted from the selection box of available parameters. This is to cater for
scenarios where for example agents may leave call-centres and it ensures that the
data presented to the administrator reflects the current status of the call-centre. If
the parameter subsequently re-appears in the RSM stream, the data will be added
once again to the selection box of available parameters.
When the card is being initially configurable it may be advisable to leave the
card in the network for say 24 hours, before attempting to configure observer
accounts, as this will ensure that the contents of the selection box reflect as much
as possible of the entire SCCS observe-parameters contents.
When the parameter is being removed, it is only removed from the table of
available parameters and it is not removed from any accounts table it may
previously have been added to.
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide