Nortel Proprietary
If the packets are arriving properly, the TS should be equal to the current time.
If all the values here are 0, then no packets are arriving. Check that the
difference in timestamps between successive packets is not greater than one
second. If so, re-examine the RSM refresh rate setting at the SCCS server (see
page 37)
6. Check that the packets have been arriving consistently.
Statistics since card was rebooted
Number of packets at socket: 24022
Bad release: 0
BadNumRecords: 0
BadRecordSize: 0
BadType: 0
InvalidTimePackets: 0
Valid Packets Received: 24022
Latest Parsed Timestamp: 3f3f7799 -->17/08/03 12:39:53
NoAgents in Current RSM stream: 1507
Sets of timestamp data parsed: 7996
The “Valid Packets Received” should equal the “Number of Packets at socket”
field, and the error count fields should all read zero. The InvalidTimePackets
may sometimes read a small value, in the aftermath of events like network
congestion, resulting in re-sends of data.
Statistics since card was rebooted with function called every
15 secs
Monitor rsm data called: 279
Curr ticks is: 67801
LatestParsedTimestamp: 3f3f77a6 --> 17/08/03
No.times no data arrived: 0
No.times Timestamp reset: 0
DataArrivingSucessfully: 279
If the “No.times no data arrived” field is non-zero this indicates that the RSM
data has not been arriving consistently, since the card was rebooted. This may
indicate an intermittent network problem.
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide