Nortel Proprietary
Account Name
This is used by administrator to identify accounts in the BUI. Note:
This name cannot contain spaces.
TUI Password
This is used by observer to dial into the TUI.
TUI Password On
This option specifies if TUI password validation is required for this
account. If this is set, the observer will be prompted to enter a TUI
password and this will be validated against the TUI password
specified for the account.
TUI Password Exp
This option specifies if the TUI password expires after 6 months for
this account. If this is set and the expiry date has passed, the TUI
will prompt the user to enter a new password before they are granted
access to the account.
Account In Service
This option specifies if the account is currently active.
If this tick-box
is not checked, the observer cannot access the account
. If a
sequence of invalid logins on a particular account is detected, the
account in service flag will be cleared and the observer will not be
able to access the account, until the Account In Service option has
been reset via the BUI.
Listen And Speak
This option specified if the observer can "barge-in" on calls they are
observing. This means that the observer can speak on the call. This
feature is envisaged to be used by supervisors only. This feature is
invoked on a call by the observer dialling the following digit
sequence: 21. To stop “barge-in”, the observer must dial the digit 3.
Call Recording
This option specifies if all calls for this observer will be recorded. This
can only be set for SCCS call-centres.
FTP Directory
This specifies the Directory where call recordings will be stored.
FTP Server IP Add
This specifies the IP address where call recording will be stored.
FTP Username
This specifies the Username of FTP account.
FTP Password
This specifies the Password of FTP account.
OPN requires Validation This option specifies if OPN (originating party number) needs to be
verified on observer dial-in. If set, the number the observer is using
to dial in, will be compared to the list of valid OPN numbers allowed,
and access will be denied if the number is not present in the list.
OPN Number 1-4
These options specify OPN numbers from which the particular
observer account can access the Nortel Remote Agent Observe
Table 11 Observer Account Parameter Explanation
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide