Nortel Proprietary
3.3 Assigning the Internet Protocol (IP) Address
Nortel Remote Agent Observe allows two basic methods of assigning IP addresses
to individual cards. These are static assignment via the Maintenance and Debug
Serial Port and dynamic assignment using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
It is recommended that a Static IP address is assigned to the card unless a Reserved
IP address entry can be made in the DHCP server, which will always give the
reserved IP address to the Nortel Remote Agent Observe card.
Static IP Address Assignment
Assigning an IP address requires great care to ensure that you have a
unique IP address, the correct subnet mask and the correct gateway address. An
incorrect IP address or Subnet Mask can bring down the entire LAN to which the
card is connected. An incorrect Gateway Address means that the card is
inaccessible beyond its local LAN.
Using static assignment, the operator assigns an IP address, Subnet Mask, and
default Gateway IP address via the serial port interface. On a reboot, the Nortel
Remote Agent Observe card will retrieve the IP information from NVRAM and
apply it. To switch to this mode of IP assignment, the function lnIsaIPMethodSet
must be invoked with the parameter 2 (that is, lnIsaIPMethodSet 2). Below is the
command sequence to assign a static IP address to the card.
The installer must access the card via the maintenance port. The installer must
enter the correct username and password to gain access to the shell.
The default username is “raoadmin” and the default password is
“raosecurity”. (See the section “Changing the username and password for
command line access” on page 26 for details on changing these defaults).
If, on first boot-up of the card, you find that you cannot log into the shell using the
default username and password, check that the correct software version is on the
card. This is displayed during boot-up. (See Figure 48 Sample boot-up
VxWorks login: raoadmin
Password: raosecurity
> lnIsa_writeSubnetMask “AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD”
value = 0 = 0x0
> lnIsa_progIP “DDD.CCC.BBB.AAA”
value = 0 = 0x0
lnIsa_writeGW “ZZZ.YYY.XXX.WWW”
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide