For Further Information...
Excessive temperature fault.
Motor has exceeded internal
PCB temperature limit of 85°C.
Motor will remain unresponsive
until it cools down below 80°C.
Motor may be undersized or ambient temperature is too
high. Check motor sizing for the application in terms of
continuous rating. Consider adding heat sinks or forced
air cooling to the system.
Excessive position error.
The motor's commanded position
and actual position differ by
more than the user-supplied
error limit.
Increase error limit, decrease load or make movement
less aggressive. Also, ensure you are not voltage limited
for the torque at speed required. If running from less
than 48 VDC, check ratings for lower bus voltages and
ensure the motor is within required torque capacity.
Motor faults on position error
only after a certain amount
of time.
Motor sized incorrectly.
Check motor sizing for the application in terms of
continuous rating. Also, ensure you are not voltage
limited for the torque at speed required. If running from
less than 48 VDC, check ratings for lower bus voltages
and ensure the motor is within required torque capacity.
Motor is not accurately
following trajectory.
Historical positive/negative
hardware limit faults.
A limit switch was tripped in the
Clear errors with the ZS command.
Motor does not have limit
switches attached.
Configure the motor to be used without limit switches by
setting their inputs as general use.
No "Drive Ready" state.
Absolute Encoder Battery fault.
Check Status Word 6, bit 12.
Programming and SMI Issues
Several commands not
recognized during compiling.
Compiler default firmware
version set incorrectly.
Use the Compiler default firmware version option in the
SMI software Compile menu to select a default firmware
version closest to the motor's firmware version. In the
SMI software, view the motor's firmware version by
right-clicking the motor and selecting Motor Properties.
For Further Information...
Now that your SmartMotor is installed and operating, the next step is to learn about its features,
commands and programming in order to create a useful application.
Information on SMI software features, SmartMotor programming, communications, motion control and
more is provided in the
SmartMotor™ Developer's Guide
. That guide also includes a complete
SmartMotor command reference, and an Appendix of other related topics that are useful during
application development.
Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor™
Installation and Startup Guide,
Rev. I
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