Setting and Reporting Torque
2. Enter the following commands in the Terminal window:
You should immediately see the motor shaft moving in the positive direction (clockwise, when
looking at the end of the motor shaft). If the motor does not respond to the commands, see
Troubleshooting on page 74 for troubleshooting tips.
Macros (shortcut keys) can be used to simplify entry of frequently-used commands.
For details, see Macros in the
SmartMotor™ Developer's Guide
3. After you have observed the motor shaft turning, enter the X command to decelerate the motor
to a stop.
Setting and Reporting Torque
The following commands are related to the previous motion procedure. For more details on these
commands, see the
SmartMotor™ Developer's Guide
MT (Mode Torque)
MT sets the mode of operation to torque mode. In this mode, the SmartMotor shaft applies a torque
independent of position. For more details, see Torque Mode in the
SmartMotor™ Developer's Guide
T=formula (Set Target Torque)
T can be set to any value from -32767 to +32767, which represents -99.99% to +99.99% PWM (pulse-
width modulation) commanded.
RTRQ (Report Actual Torque)
Enter RTRQ at the Terminal window to report the commanded torque from the trajectory generator.
Note that RTRQ typically reports a value that's one less than the T value. In the previous example,
T=3000, but RTRQ reports 2999. The value returned by TRQ (and RTRQ) will typically be one less
than the T (torque) value due to internal calculations. It may also be reduced in cases where the
motor’s output is in limitation. TRQ represents the output effort of the motor in both MT (torque mode)
and servo modes (MV, MP, etc.). Therefore, it provides a seamless transfer across those modes
without causing a ripple or bump in force to the load.
TS (Set Torque Slope)
The TS command defines how fast the processor applies a change in torque. For an example of the
command, see the Chart View Example in the
SmartMotor™ Developer's Guide
Torque slope can range from -1 to 2147483647 (default). At a value of 65536, the processor changes
torque by a value of 1 for each PID sample. The default sample rate is 8000; you can view the current
sample rate with the RSAMP command.
Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor™
Installation and Startup Guide,
Rev. I
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