background image


YS Fuel Filters (Not included)

Check Valve


YS Fuel Filters (Not included)







Front Nut

Rear Nut











Practical rpm









  The new FZ140 Sport uses the best features of our very success-
ful 120 and 140 engines, combined in an easy-to-operate and eco-
nomical package. It is ideally suited to aircraft which previously used
the YS120, as the mounting dimensions are the same. An added
bonus is that the weights are essentially equal, and the FZ140 Sport
will turn larger propellers for higher flight performance.


  Select the most appropriate glow plug from those designed
specifically for 4 cycle engines. Glow plug selection greatly affects
the maximum engine output and low idle. lf RPM’s decrease or stop
when the booster cord is removed, replace the plug. We recom-
mend YS #4 or OS Type F.


1. Connect the engine to the tank as shown in fig.1. Since high

pressure is applied to the tank, tighten all connections carefully.
Care must be taken to prevent pressure leakage due to under-
tightening of the check valve or by kinking the fuel lines.

2. Always use a fuel filter. We recommend theYS filter.

3. Match the direction of the check valve arrow to fig.1,with the

arrow  facing towards the tank.

4. It is highly recommended that this engine be mounted on a

vibration absorbing soft mount.


  Due to the high torque of the FZ140 Sport , we have equipped It
with double locknuts for safety.

1. Mount the propeller and tighten the rear nut. Next, tighten the

front nut as shown in Fig.1.

2. Select a good quality propeller that will turn in the 8,000 to 9,000

range, We recommend sizes 14x14 through 16x11


1. Remove tube B from the filter; remove tube A from the check

valve, then fill the tank. (CAUTION, If tank is filled or under-
pressure remove tube A first, then tube B. Fuel will eject if tube
B is removed while the tank is pressurized.)

2. Open the needle valve 2 1/2 from the fully closed position.

3. Open the throttle fully and slowly turn the propeller 10 times.

This primes the system by pressurizing the tank and sending
fuel to the carburetor.

4. Close the throttle to the idle position and connect the glow plug

cord. The engine is now ready for starting.



  To maximize engine performance and increase durability, please
follow this break- in procedure;

1. Use the same size (or slightly smaller) propeller than you intend

to use in flying.

2. Use a good quality fuel which contains 15-30% nitromethane

and oil content of 20-24%. Synthetic oil is recommended, or a
blend of synthetic oil and a small amount of caster oil may be
used. Do not use four cycle fuel due to low oil content.

3. The needle valve should be set so that the engine is running at

rich setting. Run the engine approximately 20 minutes with this

4. Mount the engine to the model and fly ten times with this setting.

This concludes the break-in procedure, It is advisable to always
use a slightly rich setting to keep the moving parts lubricated,
even atter the break-in period .


1. Adjustment of high speed is done by the carburetor needle valve.

When the needle valve is turned clockwise, the mixture is leaner.
When it is turned counterclockwise, the mixture is richer. A good
starting position for the high speed needle valve is 2 1/2 turns
open from the fully closed position.

2. When the engine is started, open the throttle graduall. Next, find

the peak position (highest RPM) by adjusting the needle valve.
Then the needle valve should be opened approximately 1/8 of a
turn from full RPM to achieve best performance. The engine may
stop if the throttle is opened to full immediately atter starting.
Wait until the engine temperature rises and then open the throttle

3. For flying, it is advisable to use a slightly richer mixture setting.

By using a richer mlxture, the engine temperature is maintained
and RPM stability improves.


  This engine is equipped with a new low speed needle valve to
adjust the mixture from low to mid throttle. This needle valve is
located on the side of the throttle barrel opposite the throttle arm

1. Open the low speed needle valve to 1 1/2 turns from fully closed


2. The low speed needle valve should be set after the high speed

needle valve has been adjusted. Close the throttle gradually to
an idle (approximately 2500rpm). Let it idle for 20 to 30 seconds
and then slowly advance the throttle. The adjustment is satisfatory
at low speed if transition is smooth at this time.

3. If the engine is runnlng rough on idle, the low speed mixture is

rich. If the engine starts to speed up and dies on idle or starts to
detonate, when advancing the throttle, the mixture is lean. Turn
the low speed needle valve clockwise to richen and
counterclocwise for a leaner mixture (note that the direction of
the low speed needle valve is opposite the high speed needle
valve). Adjustments to the low speed needle valve should be 1/8
to 1/4 of a turn increment at a time to achieve smooth throttle

IMPORTANT!   The regulator adjusting screw on this engine is fac-
tory set. No further adjustments are necessary. If for some reason
you have to disassemble the regulator assembly, the regulator
adjusing screw should be set flush with the regulator body.


1. Tappet clearance is factory preset. No adjustment is necessary

until atter 1 hour of operation (including break-in period).

2. Clearance adjustment should be done when the engine is cool.

When the engine temperature is high, clearance is higher due to
thermal expansion.

3. The proper clearance setting should be at 0.04-0.Imm.

The adjustment is achieved by loosening the locknut (Fig. 2) and
turning the adjusting screw. Tighten the locknut after the adjust-
ment is achieved. After the initial 1 hour adjustment, this proce-
dure should be performed after every 2 hours of use.



  If for some reason you have to disassemble your engine, please
follow  these important steps on reassembling the cam gear.

1. Remove the carburetor and backplate assembly. Notice the

impression made on the crankshaft counterweight. Position it
directly straight down or in line with the case outer seam line.

2. When reinstalling the cam gear, the side with a point mark should

be facing the opening of the gear box, Note that it should also be
mounted with the point mark located towards the top of the
engine just below the cam followers.


1. Remove the adjustment screw of the valve, and then remove the

inside valve and spring.

2. Clean the inside with alcohol or appropriate cleaner.Reassemble.
3. Screw  in the regulator screw until flush with the diaphragm body.

Check valve;
1. Open the valve by rotating the body counterclockwise.
2. Reassemble the check valve carefully.



We recommend mounting the muffler outside the cowling so that

proper cooling can be achieved. If the muffler is mounted inside the
cowling, extra cooling air is necessary to prevent muffler failure due
to excessive heat build up.

IMPORTANT! Silicone rubber is used in many parts of the YSengine.
Use only glow fuel or methanol for cleaning. Gasoline and other
volatile solutions will damage the silicone if used.

Tappet clearance

/ YS0093
