User Switches C1 Submenu
Detailed descriptions
(Fast Flux Enable)
This parameter addresses the method the
HPV 900 Series 2 uses to build up flux in the
motor. Enabling the Fast Flux function can
decrease the motor fluxing time significantly.
By decreasing the motor’s flux time, the
starting takeoff time will also be decreased.
Certain motors will have a noticeably long
fluxing time, which is indicated by the time
between the run command being issued and
the speed regulator release output going true.
Enabling the Fast Flux function will reduce this
Fast Flux Function with FAST FLUX = disabled
In this example, the motor fluxing time was 109
Fast Flux Function with FAST FLUX = enabled
With the same motor example, the motor
fluxing time was reduced to 46 msec.
Parameter accessible through
Parameter accessibly through
PM (U9)
(High / Low Gain Source)
This parameter determines the source of the
high / low gain switch. Note: this parameter is
only accessible and available during closed
loop operation.
The speed regulator high / low gain function
was developed in response to high
performance elevator requirements where the
resonant nature of the elevator system
interferes with the speed response of the drive.
When the speed response (gain) is set to high
levels, the resonant characteristics created by
the spring action of the elevator ropes can
cause car vibration. To solve this problem, the
speed regulator is set to a low enough
response (gain) so that the resonant
characteristics of the ropes are not excited.
This is accomplished by controlling the
sensitivity or response of the speed regulator
via the high / low gain switch and gain reduce
By using the gain reduce multiplier; the user
can specify a lower response (gain) for the
speed regulator when the drive is at higher
speeds. The gain reduce multiplier (GAIN
REDUCE MULT(A1)) tells the software how
much lower, as a percentage, the speed
regulator response (gain) should be.
The high / low gain switch determines when
the HPV 900 Series 2 is in ‘low gain’ mode. In
the ‘low gain’ mode, the gain reduce multiplier
has an effect on the speed regulator’s
response (gain).
The drive allows for the high / low gain switch
to be controlled either externally or internally.
The high / low gain source parameter (HI/LO
GAIN SRC) allows for this external or internal
The high / low gain switch can be controlled
externally by either:
a logic input
the serial channel
The high / low gain switch can also be
controlled internal by:
the gain change level parameter (GAIN
CHNG LEVEL), which defines a
percentage of contract speed
With the drive set to internal control, the speed
regulator will go into ‘low gain’ mode when the
Parameter accessible through