Input languages:
Tap to select the input language. The dictionary for the selected
language will be enabled.
Check to automatically set the first letter of a sentence to upper
case where available.
Vibrate on keypress:
Check to activate vibration when a key is tapped.
Sound on keypress:
Check to activate a clicking sound when a key is tapped.
Popup on keypress:
Check to display a larger image of the key above it when you
tap it.
Voice input key:
Check to display the voice input key on the keyboard.
Personal dictionary:
Tap to access and manage your personal dictionary.
Add-on dictionaries:
Tap to select the dictionary you want to use.
Block offensive words:
Check to avoid potentially offensive words will be
Tap to allow the space bar and punctuation to automatically
correct mistyped words.
Show correction suggestions:
Tap to select when correction suggestions are
Personalized suggestions:
Check to learn from Google apps and services, as well
as your typed data, to improve suggestions.
Enable gesture typing:
Check to input a word by sliding through the letters.
Dynamic floating preview:
Check to display the word suggestion while using the
gesture typing.
Show gesture trail:
Check to display the path when you slide through the letters
when gesture typing.
Phrase gesture:
Check to input spaces during gestures by gliding to the space key.
Next-word suggestions:
Check to predict words based on the texts you have
Advanced settings:
Tap to open the settings for expert users.
Send feedback:
Tap to submit your feedback for Google Keyboard.
About Google Keyboard:
Tap to display the version of the Google Keyboard and
the links to the information on licenses and privacy policy.