Comprima F 155 XC
Original Operating Instructions 150001050_01_en
Life-threatening electric shock from overhead lines
........................................................................... 23
Lifting the machine ........................................... 168
Lifting/lowering blade cassette ........................... 84
Liquids under high pressure ............................... 24
Locking screws on the gearboxes .................... 195
Locking/releasing the tension lever .................. 179
Lower the pick-up ............................................... 79
Lubricating greases ............................................ 44
Lubricating the universal shaft.......................... 192
Lubrication chart ............................................... 188
Machine description ........................................... 38
Machine overview............................................... 38
Maintenance ..................................................... 185
Maintenance – After the season....................... 186
Maintenance – Before the season.................... 185
Maintenance – every 10 hours, at least daily ... 187
Maintenance – Every 2 years ........................... 188
Maintenance – every 50 hours ......................... 188
Maintenance – every 500 hours ....................... 188
Maintenance – once after 10 hours .................. 187
Maintenance – once after 50 hours .................. 187
Maintenance – Once after 500 round bales ..... 187
Maintenance and repair work ............................. 25
Maintenance table ............................................ 185
Central chain lubrication system: Machine
dry .......................................................... 226
Central chain lubrication system: Oil
consumption too high ............................. 226
Central chain lubrication system: Oil
consumption too low .............................. 226
Central chain lubrication: Oil pump not
completely pressed ................................ 226
Crop blockages ...................................... 222
Crops short............................................. 223
Direction display reacts too sensitively .. 223
Film wraps around spiral roller ............... 225
Film wraps around upper compression roller
Pick-up ................................................... 222
Round bale conical................................. 224
Round bale does not roll out of the bale
chamber ................................................. 223
Round bale is barrel-shaped, wrapping
material tears ......................................... 224
Tailgate cannot be opened..................... 224
Tailgate does not close .......................... 223
Wrapping material does not, or not
completely, cover one or both of the outer
edges ..................................................... 225
Wrapping material not cut cleanly .......... 225
Wrapping material not transported ......... 225