Ch.3 Setup
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DRYPRO Vstage MODEL 793 Installation Manual Ver.1.00 2004.11
Input the service password (5678).
- The input password will be displayed as a series of
asterisks (*).
Touch the [OK] button.
- If the input password is correct, the user
maintenance mode screen will be displayed.
- If the input password in incorrect, a message
indicating input of an incorrect password will be
displayed. Input the correct password.
- Even if the input password is correct, if a WEB
maintenance user is logged in, a message
indicating that, since a remote user is currently
logged in, settings cannot be changed.
3.3 Switching to the Normal Screen from the Service Maintenance Mode
The procedure to switching to the normal screen from the service maintenance mode is described below.
Touch the [RETURN] button.
- The normal screen will be displayed.
In DRYPRO 793, the service maintenance mode status does not remain active after
the maintenance mode has been exited.
The password must be input each time the service maintenance mode is to be used.