Scanning Documents
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
Paper Output
In order to keep the piles in the output bins forming as neat as possible, even at very high paper
transport speeds, scanned documents are patterned with a wave-like structure, before being ejected
into the output bins. The wave-like structure is oriented
across the direction of travel and created by two sets of
paper-forming-rollers installed at the very end of the
paper path. The wave-like structure is achieved by the
top pair of rollers having one roller set less than the
bottom pair of rollers and by positioning the top roller
sets in between the roller sets at the bottom.
When processing special document formats or when positioning
paper input off-center, it may happen that some documents are
dragged along (but not over) one of the roller sets, causing creased
or folded edges. In order to fix this, it is possible to move individual
rollers along the axle, to a certain extent, with the possible range
of movement being indicated by flattened areas on the axle. When
moving rollers sideways, it is important that rollers belonging to one
set are always moved together and ensuring that rollers from one pair are aligned one behind the
other. So, if one roller is moved sideways on the lower front paper-forming-roller axle, please make
sure to also move the corresponding roller on the rear paper-forming-roller axle, by the same amount.
The factory setting for these rollers is as follows: All rollers on the left half of the paper-forming-rollers
are positioned to the far left, all rollers on the right half of the paper-forming-rollers are positioned
to the far right.