Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
This menu item will display a screen with buttons for all four
calibration procedures available. These procedures will be exp-
lained in more detail, below. Each calibration routine requires the use of a clean white balance sheet
), which needs to be placed in the (
) input tray, in
orientation. When starting
calibration, the scanner will automatically load the white balance sheet, when calibration has com-
pleted, the sheet will be ejected into the rear output tray. The time required for each of the calibrati-
on methods varies. During calibration, a busy message (
see chapter
) is shown, on the scanner’s
display. If calibration fails, a corresponding error message (
see chapter
) will be displayed. Gain Calibration
Tapping this button will initiate a calibration of the scanner’s A/D (
converters. Before beginning, the unit’s scan area must be thoroughly cleaned. If a
White Calibration
see below
) is also necessary, please make sure that this is always performed after a
Gain Calibration
. White Calibration
Tapping this button will initiate a white balance calibration of the scanner’s internal
cameras. Again, before beginning, the unit’s scan area must be thoroughly cleaned.
If a
Gain Calibration
see above
) is also planned, please make sure to perform
Gain Calibration
White Calibration
. OS Calibration
Tapping this button will initiate a calibration of the five optical sensors located in
the upper, front area of the scan plane (
see chapter
). These sensors are used for
document input detection and for early detection of patch codes. Before proceeding with calibration,
please make sure to check the Paper Guide Springs (
see chapter
) opposing the optical sensors,
for possible damage or contamination. US Calibration
Tapping this button will initiate a calibration of the ultrasonic sensors used for dou-
ble feed detection. These sensors are located in the upper and lower housing at the
front of the scan plane and should be cleaned before proceeding with calibration (
see chapter
Please note
Calibration is typically performed during scanner repair or preventive maintenance. Apart from these
occasions, calibration is usually only necessary after firmware updates when indicated and should
be performed in close consultation with the service technician responsible or with a member of the
customer hotline of InoTec GmbH.