Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
stances, adjustment of these two dynamic threshold values is unnecessary. The lowermost setting on
this screen specifies the
Dust Tolerance
, during edge detection. By default, a detected object needs
to be longer than 2 mm before it is considered to be an edge.
Please note:
Once you activate (
Advanced Settings
, in order to change the setting for Dust
Tolerance, the two other threshold values will no longer be adjusted automatically.
The setting group
provides the access
to the various internal
detection and control
functions via four menu
items. Double Feed Detection
Use this screen to con-
Double Feed De-
. The following
discussion of configu-
ration items includes
various combinations
of activated and deac-
tivated settings, how
Double Feed Detection
will impact the scan pro-
cess and how to proper-
ly set up the ultrasonic
The mask pictured
here is graphically edi-
ted, because it exceeds
the display area of the
touchscreen. Activate/Deactivate
Apart from using field
Active Initially
to funda-
mentally turn
Double Feed Detection
on or off,
scan-time-events may also be used to control its
activation or deactivation. It is even possible to
deactivate Double Feed Detection for the sheet
following the sheet triggering the event. For
each of the three fields shown, you may select
a suitable trigger by choosing an item from the
event list (
see chapter