User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
When using high-performance scanners, disruptions may at any time suddenly occur and lead to
different warning or error messages. With H12 type scanners, the cause is determined as precisely as
possible by high-performance sensors and a meaningful message is issued with partial graphic on
the scanner display. Such messages can be reduced into the top left status area by tapping on a display
area outside of the message window. Tapping the status area with a message opens the corresponding
message box. The message box contains the associated warning or error number in the first line. Since,
especially in the event of an error, the same message can have various causes, the error number is of
great importance for a precise analysis in support calls.
Warning messages are always displayed
partly initially only in the status area. They can be high-
lighted by internal routines, or by conditions that would
prevent a subsequent Scanstart. A warning is automatically cleared when the underlying cause has
been completed or corrected.
Error messages are always displayed in the display area,
in conjunction with
colored status area. During scan-
ning, an error message is always accompanied by the
interruption of the scanning process. In addition to the
error number, the short description of the error and its
correction, the message box often contains a graphical
representation on the left side
(with contrasting paper
The area in which the error occurred, is marked
by a red dot. Bei bestimmten Fehlern kann oben rechts
auch die Angabe von gültigen/ungültigen Blättern im
Transport (
see chapter
) enthalten sein. An error message may, depending on the cause, contain
function button, and must be closed with the
button after removing the cause. Error messages
button represent an unrecoverable state that can only be corrected by restarting the
scanner. If errors are not be remedied by the measures specified in each case, the service engineer or
technical support of InoTec GmbH (
see chapter
) is to be notified.
Warning Messages
Various warning messages are pointed out below, which can occur during device initialization or
handling of the scanner.
Scanner Open
(Warning 100)
This warning will be displayed first only in the status area
upon occurrence and means that the Scan Plane of the
scanner is not properly closed. To eliminate the warning,
the Scan Plane must be properly closed (
see chapter
). Trying to start a scan process in this state, leads to
a similar error message (
see chapter