Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
Character Height / Line Feed(HD)
In opposed to the standard imprinter, the HD version is capable of printing up to
lines of text,
simultaneously. The HD version is even capable of printing
lines at different line heights,
provided the overall height does not exceed that of four standard lines. If line height is not specified,
text will be printed at standard height. By placing attributes
) at the beginning of a line, a specific line height may be selected. For each new line triggered
, a different line height can be chosen. The following combinations of simultaneously printed
lines and line heights are possible:
Up to four lines at standard height
Up to two lines at double height
Two lines at standard height and one line at double height
One line at triple height
One line at standard height and one line at triple height
One line at quadruple height
Barcode Print (HD)
The optional HD-Imprinter is capable of reproducing three different bar code types, at three different
widths. When defining print output, first set the desired bar code width (optional) using %BCN%=nar-
row, %BCM%= medium (default) or %BCW%= wide. Next, select the bar code type required (mandato-
ry), by adding %BC25% (Code 2/5-i), %BC39% (Code 39) or %BC128% (Code 128). This is followed by
the string you want to have printed as bar code and concluded with the control code for the end of
the bar code definition, %BCS%. The bar code string itself may be partially or completely composed
of variables. As an example, the definition for a narrow Code 2/5-I bar code, printing counter 1 as five
digits and containing a checksum would look like this:
%BCN%%BC25%%CD_%%NMC5%%CNT1%%_CD%%CD25%%BCS% Print Margin
The horizontal alignment of print output is de-
termined by the physical positioning of the print
head (
see chapter
). However, the distance from the edge of the document to the beginning of the
print is specified here, through the value for Print Margin (
as millimeters