Scanning Documents
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12 Straight Through Paper Path
Since documents that are ejected to the Rear Output Tray, are transported straight through the scanner,
without deflection, we are talking here of a Straight Through Paper Pass. Especially in combination
with the available option "Straight Through Paper Path Elevation"
(see chapter
), the activation of
which will allow raising the passage height up to 5 mm, in 4 discrete steps, this offers the possibility
to process even very thick or inflexible material. If a scan profile is loaded with
Paper Path Elevation
(see chapter
) enabled, the complete top scanner housing will be raised accordingly, through
motorized action. Depending on the elevation level specified this may take up to several seconds.
During this time, a corresponding message
(see chapter
) is displayed on screen, including a
reminder to lock the paper passage
(see chapter
). If
the option is installed, additional levers will be present,
side of
Scan Background bar. Locking
the paper passage is achieved by pressing the scan
background inwards on either side and then pulling
the respective lever upwards. After doing so, the Scan
backgrounds are secured in their lowest position. After
deactivating Paper Path Elevation, the scan backgrounds
need to be released again. This is achieved by pressing
the levers downwards.