Your Access repeater must be set in “FROM” when
you make a call on the DR screen
You have 5 ways to set the Access repeater
Search for a repeater using the DR scan
(p 4-5)
The Normal DR scan searches for output repeater frequencies of nearby
repeaters The scan stops when a signal is detected
• The scan also stops on Simplex signals.
The Near Repeater scan searches for output repeater frequencies of nearby repeaters that are within 160
kilometer (100 miles) from your position and the repeater’s position that is entered in the repeater list The DR
scan starts scanning and stops when a signal is detected
You can also find only FM repeaters using the Near Repeater (FM) scan.
Search for near repeaters
(p 4-6)
Searches for near repeaters that are within 160 kilometer
(100 miles) from your position using your GPS position and the
repeater’s position that is entered in the repeater list
The nearest repeaters in your transceiver’s repeater list are displayed
as selectable options
You can select the nearby DV only, FM only, or both repeater types
When you know your access repeater
From the repeater list
(p 4-4)
You can select your Access repeater from the repeater list by selecting
the repeater area and name, if entered, or call sign
When you do not know which repeater you can access
When “FROM” data is saved in the TX History.
From the TX History
(p 4-7)
Select a repeater that you have accessed before from the TX History
By rotating [DIAL]
Select the preset repeater by rotating [DIAL] on the DR screen
“FROM” (Access repeater) setting
while rotating
Scan items