You can enter an alphanumeric name for Memory
channels, Call channels, Banks, or Program Scans�
Names can be a maximum of 16 characters�
Entering a name
Entering a Memory name “CALLING” to a
Memory channel 000 (440�000 MHz)�
1� Push [M/CALL] to enter the Memory mode�
2� Hold down [S�MW] for 1 second�
Enters the Select Memory Write mode�
The Memory channel number blinks�
3� Rotate [DIAL] to select a Memory channel�
4� Push [QUICK]�
5� Select “Edit�”
The Edit screen is displayed�
6� Select an option�
MEMORY NAME screen is displayed�
The type of name you can enter is different
depending on the selected Memory channel�
000 ~ 499, C0, C1:
“MNAME” is displayed to
enter a Memory channel
name or Call channel name�
00A/00B ~ 24A/24B:
“SNAME” is also displayed to
enter a Program Scan name�
Bank channels:
“BNAME” is also displayed
to enter a Bank name� The
option is displayed only when
the selected Memory channel
is assigned to a Bank�
7� Enter a name and push [ENT]�
Returns to the Edit screen and the entered name is
See page iii on how to enter characters�
8� Select “<<Write>>�”
• The confirmation dialog is displayed.
9� Select <YES>�
Returns to the Memory mode�
Entering a Memory, Bank, or Program Scan name
(Example: “MNAME�”)