Service Reference Guide, dc5100
Removal and Replacement Procedures— Microtower (MT) Chassis
6.13 Power Switch Assembly
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (
Section 6.1, “Preparation for Disassembly”
2. Remove the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table
to make it easier to work on (
3. Remove the front I/O panel assembly (
Section 6.11, “Front I/O Panel Housing Assembly”
4. Squeeze the switch holder retaining clips together and push the switch assembly out of the
front I/O panel housing.
5. Place the switch holder with switch installed into the inside of the front I/O panel housing
and position the legs of the retaining clip into the clip slots. Press firmly so that the clips will
penetrate the slot openings and latch into place. If one clip will not easily engage, it may be
necessary to use the end of a ball point pen (or another thin, stiff object) to compress the clip
leg while inserting it into the clip slot.
6. Reconnect the housing assembly to the front of the chassis and reconnect the cables to the
system board.