Service Reference Guide, dc5100
Removal and Replacement Procedures— Microtower (MT) Chassis
6.16 System Board
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (
Section 6.1, “Preparation for Disassembly”
2. Remove the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table
to make it easier to work on (
3. Remove all PCI expansion boards (
Section 6.7.2, “PCI Expansion Card”
4. Disconnect all cables connected to the system board, noting their location for reinstallation.
5. Remove the 3-1/4” drives from the drive cage to make it easier to handle the system board.
6. Remove the eight screws that secure the system board to the chassis
then, slide the system
board towards the front of the chassis
to remove it.
To install the system board, reverse the removal procedures.