Preventive Maintenance and Installation
P/N: SM-ACP215-01-EN(AB)
Service Manual
Initial Inspection
Inspect the following items to ensure that they appear to be in good working
order and do not have obvious scratches, dents, broken or missing hardware.
Note physical damage and missing or loose hardware on the service report.
Tighten and/or replace hardware as necessary. Scratched and/or dented
hardware need not be replaced unless the damage interferes with the
operation of the device.
Outside of cabinet
Screws for front and back panels (three in front and three in back)
Check that the fuses are the correct size for the region you are in
currently. (For 110V regions, 5 amp fuses are required. For 220V regions,
2.5 amp fuses are required.)
Cooling fans (mounted on rear panel)
Membrane panel
Pump rotors
Pump rotor screws (one in the center of each rotor)
Tubing guides
Centrifuge cover
Screws in the hinge of the centrifuge cover
Line sensor
Air detectors
System pressure monitor
Draw pressure monitor
Ensure Initial
Power on the device and ensure that it passes the initialization and safety
system tests before operating the device. This will assure you and the
customer that the device was operational before it was tested and alleviate any
doubt as to whether the service technician’s adjustments caused a problem
should the device fail to operate properly after the preventive maintenance is