Order No. 2104 ..
Frost/heat protection switch-over "via window status"
The 1-bit object, "window status" is enabled. A telegram having the value of = "1" (open
window) and sent to this object will activate the frost/heat protection mode. If this is the
case, the operating mode cannot be deactivated by the switch-over object (except for the
KNX forced object). Only a telegram with the value of = "0" (closed window) will reset the
window status and deactivate the frost/heat protection mode. After this, the operating mode
set before the opening of the window or that mode carried by the bus while the window was
open will be activated.
You can optionally configure a window status delay. Such delay can make sense if short
ventilation of the room by opening the window is not supposed to change the operating
mode. You can use the "window status delay" parameter to set this delay time between 1
and 255 minutes. The window status will only be changed and thus the frost/heat protection
mode activated after this parameterized time has elapsed. A setting of "0" will effect the
immediate activation of the frost/heat protection mode when the window is open. The
window status will be in effect in the heating and in the cooling mode. The value of the
object "window status" is deleted after a reset.
Frost protection mode switch-over by "automatic frost protection"
For this setting, automatic switch-over to the frost protection mode can be made at times,
depending on the room temperature determined. If there are no window contacts, this
setting can prevent unnecessary heating up of the room when windows or external doors
are open. In connection with this function, a quick temperature drop can be detected by
measuring the actual temperature every minute as, for example, is the case when a
window is open. If the temperature decrease detected reaches a parameterised value the
room temperature regulator will automatically switch over to the frost protection mode. You
can use the "automatic frost protection temperature drop" parameter to set the maximum
temperature drop in K/min for switching over to the frost protection mode. After the time
preset by the "frost protection period in automatic mode" parameter has elapsed, the
regulator will return into the mode which was set before frost protection. Re-triggering will
not be possible.
If a new operating mode was received during the frost protection when switching over by
1-byte via the KNX switch-over object, this tracked mode is set according to the automatic
frost protection. If a switch-over was made by 4 x 1 bit during frost protection via the
change-over object, then this newly received mode will be discarded after the end of the
automatic frost protection. The controller then remains in frost protection. Only after that
can the operating mode be switched over by the objects. The KNX override object has a
higher priority than the automatic frost protection mode and can interrupt the latter.
The automatic frost protection mode only acts on heating for temperatures below the set
value temperature of the operating mode selected. Thus, no automatic switchover to frost
protection can take place at room temperatures in the deadband or in the active cooling
mode if the "Heating and cooling" operating mode is on. Automatic heat protection
activation is not intended with this parameterization.
Frequent draughts in a room can cause unintentional activation/deactivation of frost
protection when the automatic frost protection mode is active, and if the parameterized
temperature decrease is not low enough. Therefore switching into the frost/heat protection
mode by window contacts should generally be preferred to the automatic option.
Additional information on the operating mode after a reset
In the ETS, it is possible to use the "Operating mode after reset" parameter in the "Room
temperature control -> Controller general" parameter node to set which operating mode should
be activated after bus voltage recovery or re-programming by the ETS. The following settings
are possible...
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Software "KNX CO2 sensor"
Functional description