Order No. 2104 .. Function "Light scene extension with/without memory function"
With a configuration as a light scene extension without a memory function, it is possible to recall
a light scene. With a rising, falling or rising and falling edge, the light scene number configured
in the ETS is immediately transmitted to the bus.
With a configuration as a light scene extension with a memory function, it is possible to generate
a memory telegram according to the light scene to be transmitted. For this, the appropriate
memory telegram is transmitted for a long signal according to the configured edge evaluation
(push-button as NC contact or NO contact - not as switch!). In this case, the time for long
actuation can be configured (but not to below 5 s). With short actuation < 1 s, the configured
light scene number (without memory telegram) is transmitted. If the actuation last longer than
1 s but less than 5 s, no telegram is triggered.
In addition, there is the option of only transmitting a memory telegram without prior light scene
recall. In this case, the parameter "Only memory function ?" must be set to "Yes".
Examples for a light scene extension with memory function
1.) Only memory function = No
2.) Only memory function = Yes
Figure 11: Example of scene storage
"Only memory function = No":
If a rising or falling edge is detected at the input (according to the configuration), the time
recording operation begins. If actuation ceases during the first second, the appropriate light
scene recall takes place immediately. If the signal length is longer, then the memory telegram is
transmitted after 5 s.
"Only memory function = Yes":
The memory telegram is transmitted immediately after detection of the appropriate signal edge.
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Software "KNX CO2 sensor"
Functional description