Order No. 2104 ..
and react to it in various ways. This
parameter defines the functions of the PI
controller when the command value is
"keep 100% until setpoint = actual, then
0%" setting:
The controller keeps the maximum
command value until the room
temperature (actual value) reaches the
setpoint temperature. After that is
reduces the command value down to
0% all at once (controller reset). The
advantage of this control behaviour is
that in this way sustainable heating up of
undercooled rooms or effective cooling
of overheated rooms will be achieved by
overshooting the setpoint. The
disadvantage is the in some
circumstances the overshooting of the
room temperature may be found
Setting "keep 100% as required, then
adjust downwards":
The controller maintains the maximum
command value only as long as it is
necessary. After that it adjusts the
command value downwards according
to the PI algorithm. The advantage of
this control characteristic is the fact that
the room temperature does not exceed
the setpoint temperature at all, or only
slightly. The disadvantage is that this
control principle increases the tendency
to oscillate about the setpoint.
Room temperature control -> Controller general -> Setpoints
Overwrite setpoints in
device after ETS
The temperature setpoints programmed
in the room temperature controller by
the ETS during commissioning can be
changed via communication objects.
This parameter can be used to define
whether the setpoints present in the
device, which may have been changed
subsequently, are overwritten during an
ETS programming operation and thus
replaced again by the values
parameterised in the ETS. If this
parameter is on "Yes", then the
temperature setpoints are deleted in the
device during a programming operation
and replaced by the values of the ETS.
If this parameter is configured to "No",
then setpoints present in the device
remain unchanged. The setpoint
temperatures entered in the ETS then
have no significance.
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Software "KNX CO2 sensor"