Order No. 2104 .. "Dimming" function
If the function of the input is configured to "Dimming", various parameters for the dimming
function and the "Switching" and "Dimming" objects are visible.
The "Operation" parameter determines whether this channel ("single-area operation") alone is
used or in conjunction with the another channel ("dual-area operation"). The switching or
dimming commands, which should be transmitted to the bus in the case of a positive signal
edge, are also defined here. The executable commands are "Darker (OFF)", "Brighter (ON)" or
In the "Darker (OFF)" setting, an OFF telegram is triggered in the case of a short signal edge,
and a dimming telegram (darker) is triggered in the case of a long signal edge.
In the "Brighter (ON)" setting, an ON telegram is triggered in the case of a short signal edge,
and a dimming telegram (brighter) is triggered in the case of a long signal edge.
In the "TOGGLE" setting, the switching state stored internally in the switching object is toggled
in the case of a short signal edge.
In addition, the dimming step width can be adjusted for "increasing and decreasing brightness"
and the "time between switching and dimming ". A "stop telegram" can also be released at the
end of the dimming operation (telegram transmission on releasing the button).
If the parameter "telegram repetition" is set to "Yes", dimming telegrams can be transmitted
cyclically during an active signal edge. The "time between two dimming telegrams" is
adjustable. In each case this time has elapsed, a new dimming telegram is issued with the
parameterized dimming step width.
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Software "KNX CO2 sensor"
Functional description