Order No. 2104 ..
demanding heating energy and is thus
actively heating. The "Yes" setting here
enables the message function for
Cooling indication
Depending on the set operating mode, a
separate object can be used to signal
whether the controller is currently
demanding cooling energy and is thus
actively cooling. The "Yes" setting here
enables the message function for
Controller status
no status
KNX compliant
Controller general
transmit individual state
The room temperature controller can
transmit its current status to the
KNX/EIB. A choice of data formats is
available for this. This parameter
enables the status signal and sets the
status format.
Single status
Comfort operation
Standby mode activated
Night mode activated
Frost/heat protection active
Controller disabled
Heating / cooling
Controller inactive
Frost alarm
Here, the status information is defined,
which is to be transmitted onto the bus
as the 1-bit controller status.
This parameter is only visible if the
parameter "Controller status" is set to
"Transmit single status".
Behaviour when
command value = 100%
(Clipping mode PI
keep 100% until setpoint
= actual, then 0%
keep 100% as required,
then adjust downwards
If with a PI control the calculated
command value of the controller
exceeds the physical limits of the
actuator, in other words if the calculated
command value is greater than 100%,
then the command value is set to the
maximum value (100%) and thus
limited. With PI control the command
value can reach the value "100%" if
there is a large deviation of the room
temperature from the setpoint
temperature or the controller requires a
long time to adjust to the setpoint with
the heating or cooling energy that is
being applied. The controller can
evaluate this state in a particular manner
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Software "KNX CO2 sensor"