Order No. 2104 ..
counter value in the object "Current setpoint shift" = "0" (no setpoint shift active)
After the setpoint shifting:
-> A setpoint shift by one temperature increment in the positive direction will count up the value
in the "Current setpoint shift" object by one = "1".
-> Current setpoint temperature = 21.5°C
-> An additional setpoint shift by one temperature increment in the positive direction will again
count up the value in the "Current setpoint shift" object by one = "2".
-> Current setpoint temperature = 22.0°C
-> A setpoint shift by one temperature increment in the negative direction will count down the
value in the "Current setpoint shift" object by one = "1".
-> Current setpoint temperature = 21.5°C
-> An additional setpoint shift by one temperature increment in the negative direction will again
count down the value in the "Current setpoint shift" object by one = "0".
-> Current setpoint temperature = 21.0°C
-> An additional setpoint shift by one temperature increment in the negative direction will again
count down the value in the "Current setpoint shift" object by one = "-1".
-> Current setpoint temperature = 20.5°C, etc. ...
To ensure that controller extensions indicate the correct shifts and also control the
functions of the controller (as main unit) correctly, it is necessary for the controller
extensions to be set to the same shift limits of the setpoint shift as the main unit. Controller
extensions must also be set to the same step width for the setpoint shift as the controller
itself (0.1 K or 0.5 K).
Transmitting the setpoint temperature
The setpoint temperature, which is given by the active operating mode can be actively
transmitted onto the bus via the 2-byte "Set temperature" object. The "Transmission at setpoint
temperature modification by..." parameter in the "Room temperature control -> controller
general -> setpoint values" parameter node determines the temperature value by which the
setpoint has to change in order to have the setpoint temperature value transmitted automatically
via the object. Possible temperature value changes lie within a range of 0.1 K and 25.5 K. The
setting "0" at this point will deactivate the automatic transmission of the setpoint temperature.
In addition, the setpoint can be transmitted periodically. The "Cyclical transmission of setpoint
temperature" parameter determines the cycle time (1 to 255 minutes). The value "0" will
deactivate the periodical transmission of the setpoint temperature value. It has to be pointed out
that with deactivated periodical transmission and deactivated automatic transmission, no
setpoint temperature telegrams will be transmitted in case of a change.
Setting the "Read" flag on the "Setpoint temperature" object makes it possible to read out the
current setpoint. Following the return of bus voltage or after re-programming via the ETS, the
object value will be initialised according to the current setpoint temperature value and actively
transmitted to the bus.
Page 98 of 171
Software "KNX CO2 sensor"
Functional description