X400CE 3D Printer Manual
2015/08/28 11:55
© German RepRap GmbH
Extruder can not reach the set temperatur
Dual-Extruder with sealing
It is possible, that the Hot-End is not reaching the adjusted temperatur, even with a longer preheating
time. This is caused by draught at the Hot-End.
If the draught is not caused by the location of the Printer, it could be the sealing between
extrudermotor and the fan. The slot between those two has to be sealed with Alu tape or normal tape.
Printing interruption with Windows
: Translation not complete
If your 3D-Printer is operated with Windows and get the printdata via USB the following problem may
Your 3D-Printer usddenly stop printing without any obviously reason. This may result of a wrong
energy saving setting which is defined by default at Windows. Please check the following settings:
Go to your energy settings: Start → Systemsettings → Energy saving → Energy saving plan
Setup your energy saving mode to Never