X400CE 3D Printer Manual
2015/08/28 11:55
© German RepRap GmbH
Printer control
It's not difficult to operate a 3D printer. A .gcode file is loaded into the printer interface and the print
is started. To get the GCode for the 3D printer can be more difficult. Only self-generated .gcode files
should be used as they contain meta information specific to this printer.
GCode generation
There are different programs for the generation of the GCode, e.g. Slic3r or Skeinforge Note that
Skeinforge is only recommended for experienced users. The main principles of those programs are
quite similar, but they differ in the extent of the adjustment possibilities. The GCode is created from a
.stl file (see image “Example Love in STL format”), which is a common standard in computer-aided
construction. This GCode contains the settings of the extruder, as well as the path to be driven and
how much material is necessary on the different spots. The example in the image “Example Love in
GCode format (in Repetier-Host)” shows the preview as it is displayed in Repetier-Host.
Example Love in STL format