X400CE 3D Printer Manual
2015/08/28 11:55
© German RepRap GmbH
No alignment of the axes is needed as the rigid frame of the X400 takes care of that.
Start by checking the end-stops of the X- and Y-axis. The metal strip needs to move freely into light
sensor without touching any part of the printer.
To maximize the print area keep the Y-axis strip as short as possible.
X-axes end-stop
Y-axis end-stop
There are two ways to adjust the height of the Z-axis end-stop: The simple way is to adjust the socket
head bolt that holds the metal strip. Alternatively you can shorten the metal strip itself.
It is important to have the printing bed leveled in the X- and Y-axis. Then adjust the clearance of the
hot-end tip to 0.2mm (equals 8 thou, or about the thickness of a business card) when the end-stop
kicks in. This clearance has to be adjusted across the whole area of the printing bed. For a perfect
calibration it is necessary to heat up the heated printing bed on the operating temperature.