X400CE 3D Printer Manual
2015/08/28 11:55
© German RepRap GmbH
Before moving the head to the home position double check the cabling, as well as the end stops. Also
move the print head to a central position on all axes to avoid hitting any object during this startup.
In case the printer head doesn't stop properly please turn off the power to the printer
immediately. Then power it back on again and re-connect from the Repetier host.
While the potentiometers are still roughly in their middle position, you can click on the Home keys in
the manual control, one after the other. Once all axes are in their home position the driver currents
can be adjusted via the potentiometers.
Adjusting Pololu potentiometer
Manual control
The potentiometer is correctly adjusted if there is no slipping of the stepper motor. This means the
extruder head can smoothly move the whole length on each axis without stopping once. If there is
any intermittent stopping, increase the motor current on the potentiometer. In order to check for any
slipping, attach a pencil to the extruder head and have it lightly touch a piece of paper on the printing