Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
1.3 Cosmetic Specifications
Please note,
for this section only, the follow ing valu es are consid ered p relim inary
inform ation and su bject to change w ithou t notice.
Monochrome Sensor Cosmetic Specifications
The follow ing table highlights the cu rrent cosm etic sp ecifications for the sensor u sed
insid e the Falcon 4M60 and 4M30 cam eras. The sensor has 4 m egap ixels (2352 x 1728),
global shu ttering and is cap able of 60 fp s.
Sensor Cosmetic Specifications
Cosmetic Specification
Maximum Number of Defects
H ot p ixel d efects
Single p ixel d efects
Clu sters d efects
N o lim it (refer to the N ote below )
Sp ot d efects
Colu m n d efects
Row d efects
Definition of cosmetic specifications
Hot pixel defect
Pixel w hose signal, in d ark, d eviates by m ore than 400 DN (10 bits) from the average of all
the p ixels.
Single pixel defect
Pixel w hose signal, at nom inal light (illu m ination at 50% of satu ration ), d eviates by m ore
than ±30% from its neighboring p ixels.
Cluster defect
A grou p ing of at m ost 8 p ixel d efects w ithin an area of 3 x 3 p ixels.
Spot defect
A grou p ing of 9 p ixel d efects w ithin an area of 3 x 3 p ixels.
Column defect
A colu m n w hich has 12 p ixel d efects in a 1*12 kernel.
Row defect
A horizontal grou p ing of m ore than 4 p ixel d efects betw een at least 2 good p ixels on both
sid es, w here single good p ixels betw een 2 d efective p ixels are consid ered d efective.
Test conditions
Digital gain – 1X.
N om inal light = illu m ination at 50 % of satu ration.
Fram e Rate = 60 fp s (Falcon 4M60), 30 fp s (Falcon 4M30)