Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Input Signals, Camera Link
The cam era accep ts control inp u ts throu gh the Cam era Link MDR26F connector.
The cam era ship s in internal sync, internal p rogram m ed integration (exp osu re m od e 2),
and Cam era Link m od e 16 (4M60) or 3 (4M30).
Fram e rate can be p rogram m ed u sing the serial interface. The external control signal
EXSYN C is op tional and enabled throu gh the serial interface. This cam era u ses the
edge of EXSYN C
to trigger fram e read ou t. Section 3.3 Cam era Ou tp u t Form at d etails
how to set fram e tim es, exp osu re tim es, and cam era m od es.
Output Signals, Camera Link
These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era
to you r acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ration and
you shou ld refer to the Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available from the
Know led ge Center on ou r Web site,
, for the stand ard location of these signals.
Clocking Signal
LVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid line
DVAL (high)
Valid d ata
STROBE (rising ed ge)
Valid d ata
FVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid fram e
The cam era internally d igitizes to 10 bits and ou tp u ts 8 MSB or all 10 bits d ep end ing
on the camera‘s Camera Link operating mode.
For a Cam era Link reference and tim ing d efinitions refer to Ap p end ix A on p age 73.
2.2.3 Power Connector
Figure 11: Hirose 6-pin Circular Male—Power Connector
The cam era requ ires a single voltage inp u t (+12 to +15V).
WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines:
Protect the cam era w ith a
fast-blow fuse
betw een p ow er su p p ly and cam era.
Pow er su rge lim it at 3 A.
12 V p ow er su p p ly. N om inal 0.85 A load resu lting in ~ 20 A/ s cu rrent ram p rate
Pow er su p p ly cu rrent lim it need s to be set at > 3 A.
Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd .
Hirose Pin Description
Pin Description Pin
12 to 15V
12 to 15V
12 to 15V
Camera readout is
triggered on the falling
edge of EXSYNC.